Friday, March 6, 2009

Work Etiquette

One of the easiest ways to get on my every lasting nerve, is to have NO home training when you are in the office. I am going to go through the 5 top Don'ts in the office (I am not worried about the do's):

1. If you are going to make popcorn. MAKE SURE you watch the popcorn as it is popping. Some microwaves are just set high there for you have to watch what you are making!!!

The worst thing you can leave your co-workers with is this horrible smell that seems to linger. So while you are tucked away on the other side of the office upset about burning your popcorn (that is if you choose not to eat it), imagine what your co-workers who happen to sit next to or near the microwave have to endure...

2. My grandfather use to tell me "Get those clean shoes off that dirty table." Why would you put your dirty nasty boots on the table that people eat at??? I mean do you know what bacteria your shoes may be carrying....and here you are just propping them on the table that people eat off. EWWW!!! I won't even dive into the whole butt on my desk argument. We will save that for another day. Lets just stick with shoes: "the Rockport Company, along with researchers at the University Of Arizona reported in April of 2008, found the following in large numbers:
Escherichia coli (
E. Coli) - causing symptoms ranging from severe stomach pain accompanied by diarrhea to kidney failure and potential death in 1 out of 50 victims.
Klebsiella pneumonia – a gram-negative bacteria that can rapidly destroy lung tissue and in 25 to 50% of patients will cause death.
Serratia ficaria – causing gallbladder empyemas and sepsis as well as biliary infections.
Gerba stated that "The common occurrence (96%) of coliform and E. coli bacteria on the outside of the shoes indicates frequent contact with fecal material, which most likely originates from floors in public restrooms or contact with animal fecal material outdoors
ALL this on the bottom of your shoes!!!!! I don't know about you, but it sends shivers down my spine.

3. Eating over mine (or anyone elses) shoulder!!! We are not best friends...wait my best friend wouldn't even do that. I am not your significant WHAT in God's green earth, would give you the idea that it is ok to eat while standing over me, and then have the nerve to talk while you do it. Do I look like I want your nasty ass chewed up food falling on my shoulder while I work???? HECK NO!!!!

4. Smokers.....AHHHH!!! I must admit I used to smoke....but now that I have stopped, I realize what I was putting my friends and co-workers through. If you just went out for a smoke break....there should be NO reason WHY I can smell you 5 cubicles away.....

5. And lastly, the number 1 thing I CANT stand for people to do in the office is.........EASE DROPPING!!!! Nosey people get on my ever lasting nerves!!!! I can't stand when 1) someone answers a question, that was not directed at them, 2) comments on something that was not said to them, 3) and looks at the caller i.d on your desk when you are sitting there then wants to ask....who's that???? AHHHHHHHHH NONE of your damn business.


  1. I'd say leaving your food in the microwave for more than 2 minutes is a big no-no. And also it drives me nuts when people talk to you they feel the need to walk all the way around your desk. Lastly, people that eat loudly while walking by, seems like no one knows how to close their mouth and chew these days.

  2. I have the same problem with #5 people love to come over after I've just went through phone operator hell to get a charge removed or correct and then they have the nerve to ask "So you having money problems?"
