Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Strictly My Opinions

I must admit, I am different. I come from a different breed, a different life style, a different mind set. With that being said, that does not give an excuse for people who don't have such privileges to act like the have NO common sense, NO dignity, and NO home training.

I will admit I was brought up to say baTHroom and not baFroom. I was raised to enunciate my words, and not chop them up. I will also be the first to admit that when I around my friends I do talk slang and Ebonics. However, I do know better than to get up in front of a group of people who potentially look up to me and say "He and I is." WHAT! He and I is what???? Please someone explain to me: why does someone have a pre-written speech and that still comes out??? I thought Microsoft word caught grammar mistakes....and if not, it just does not sound right when you say it out loud. If I do recall when I was in, at the latest, 3rd grade we were taught that when you right a paper, read it out loud in the mirror to yourself, and then read it out loud to someone else. It will help you catch your mistakes. Is that just not taught in schools anymore??? Using slang and Ebonics amongst a group of your peers is one thing, but getting up in front of 3 company's and giving a so called speech of encouragement and speaking like you just came off the streets. Rise above where you come from and stop settling for being a product of your environment...

Now switching gears, just because you grew up in a certain area does not mean that you can just act and live like you have NO self respect for yourself or others. It is not the man at the drive-threw windows fault that you are screaming in the intercom and he cannot understand what you are saying. And someone please explain to me WHY females feel the need to prove themselves on the phone. She hangs up on you, then you hang up on her. When you are at work and on the clock regardless of what the person is saying you need to keep your professionalism. Not hoop and holler on the phone like you have NO common sense.

I have no problem having people on welfare, who deserve it. I pay my taxes and sometimes think I pay too much. But if the first thing that is on your mind is going out with that check or buying a new phone....WHY THE HECK AM I WASTING MY HARD EARNED TAX MONEY ON THE LIKES OF YOU!!!! I swear I thought that money was to make sure you had a roof over your head, food in your mouth, and reasonably priced clothes on your back...NOT to make sure you have a good night on the town with my money, and definitely not to purchase a new phone. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I'm Done!

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