Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I have made the impetuous decision to start signing my blogs at the end with ...Sigh. Now I know what you may be thinking: Why the heck would she sign her blogs at the end with sigh. Well to most people a sigh is what you do when something is wrong or troubling you. Even the dictionary describes a sigh as:

–verb (used without object)

1. to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
2. to yearn or long; pine.
3. to make a sound suggesting a sigh: sighing wind.

But a Sigh is much much more than that to me. Think about it, when something we see is pleasing we let out a brief sigh, when someone does something nice for us, we might sigh when we remember that moment, and when girls hear stories of weddings, engagements, etc. that almost always let out a sigh. When we get home from a long days work, we sigh...not because we are upset about the previous events of the day, but because it helps us to relax our body's. I like to think of a sigh as the last part of a work out class when the instructor tells you to take a deep breath in and slowly release it. This is to help you slow your heart rate down and feel more relaxed. Same thing a sigh does when used properly. I sigh at least 5 times a day. I just sighed while I was writing about sighing. Nothing I am sorrowful for, weary of, or relieved. I don't yearn anything (well maybe lunch) I'm not pining, and I'm not a gust of wind. So I think we need to rethink our sighs, let one out for more positive reasons, and enjoy it!

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