Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Start Chpt 1

So I am starting to write a it goes. Its going to blogged piece by piece as it comes to me....

She was doomed from the time of conception. Destined to be in a world where there never seems to be a means to an end or satisfaction from being satisfied. Both her parents to young to even know what proper parenting was, grandparents far too gone from the present, that the past is all they seem to revel in, and a family that seemed to be made up of every personality disorder the DSM can explain. Like most kids, her youthful innocence remained with her for quite some time. She was always told that there is someone out there who is worse off than you. She accepted it and made the best out of the life she was given. She didn't complain much, took what her "parents" said to heart, and tried to succeed at everything she did. But as she would come to learn, her best was never good enough, the world never happy, and she gets the bad end of it all.

March 4, 1986:
She is born to a mother still in high school herself. Her father's parents has too high hopes for him, and blames her mother for the situation. They decide for him that he is too young to be a father and decides he can't be in this child's life. The child, just out of the womb is naturally unaware of all of this. But as she grows older, wishes she could have been aware, and would have rather known then than now, and made a decision then instead of now.

April 16, 1990:
She just turned 4 and a month later is still surprised by all the gifts she received. She is saving her special Panda Bear cake she get for a special occasion. She checks on it daily in the freezer making sure her grandfather didn't sneak a bite out of his ear as he jokingly said he would. She doesn't know the effect now, but she remembers her mother being late. The fun started without her.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I log onto my blog today and read the motivational quote of the day that is automatically fed to my blog and it reads "Find purpose, the means will follow. -Gandhi"

Find Purppose, the means will follow. HMMMM Now the way I am feeling at this particular moment, is that is BS!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So I have made the impetuous decision to start signing my blogs at the end with ...Sigh. Now I know what you may be thinking: Why the heck would she sign her blogs at the end with sigh. Well to most people a sigh is what you do when something is wrong or troubling you. Even the dictionary describes a sigh as:

–verb (used without object)

1. to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
2. to yearn or long; pine.
3. to make a sound suggesting a sigh: sighing wind.

But a Sigh is much much more than that to me. Think about it, when something we see is pleasing we let out a brief sigh, when someone does something nice for us, we might sigh when we remember that moment, and when girls hear stories of weddings, engagements, etc. that almost always let out a sigh. When we get home from a long days work, we sigh...not because we are upset about the previous events of the day, but because it helps us to relax our body's. I like to think of a sigh as the last part of a work out class when the instructor tells you to take a deep breath in and slowly release it. This is to help you slow your heart rate down and feel more relaxed. Same thing a sigh does when used properly. I sigh at least 5 times a day. I just sighed while I was writing about sighing. Nothing I am sorrowful for, weary of, or relieved. I don't yearn anything (well maybe lunch) I'm not pining, and I'm not a gust of wind. So I think we need to rethink our sighs, let one out for more positive reasons, and enjoy it!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Daily Commute

So I am standing on the train as I do 5 days a week of my life. I don't mind standing because as long as my feet aren't killing me I'm sure the lady with the hurt feet is appreciative I didn't jump over her to get that seat. But I'm not on here to rant about proper Metro etiquette. But I will comment on the young ignorant ass people that seem to gravitate towards me.
Now I know you're jam Single Ladies just came on, but this train is too crowded and further more you are toooo close to me to back your huge ass up. I'm not saying don't bob your head or tap your foot. But what I am saying is I don't need you're rendition of Baby Got Back 2009 version directly in front of me.

Apparently the fad for 2009 are these huge bags!!! I love them. They fit my whole world n one piece. Now I know when I've bumped someone with because its a dead stop in the motion the bag was originally traveling in and now a sudden change of direction has the bag banging me n my elbow or side. So riddle me this. How in the world do You not know you not only bumped me with your bag but hit me soooo hard with it that I've lost my footing did the drunk man two step and am grabbing the pole that you have decided to claim for yourself but pressing your entire backside against it. Sigh, can I get at least a look of acknowledgment. Sheesh!

Wednesday topics. Now I know your life is filled with so many stories especially on a Wednesday that you feel to announce it to not only our train but the 3 or 4 cars that follow and precede us. I'm sorry young 16,17, 15 year old I don't particularly care that your prior two days of school were filled with teachers who have nothing better to do than to hate u and obsess their life around yours. I don't care about the boy who tried to talk to you and how wack he was. And I don't particularly care about any non existent plans u feel u may have for the weekend. So please for my comfort that I am leaving my children with a world of leaders to look up to. Pick up a news paper or book educate yourself and have a meaningful conversation.


Work Etiquette

One of the easiest ways to get on my every lasting nerve, is to have NO home training when you are in the office. I am going to go through the 5 top Don'ts in the office (I am not worried about the do's):

1. If you are going to make popcorn. MAKE SURE you watch the popcorn as it is popping. Some microwaves are just set high there for you have to watch what you are making!!!

The worst thing you can leave your co-workers with is this horrible smell that seems to linger. So while you are tucked away on the other side of the office upset about burning your popcorn (that is if you choose not to eat it), imagine what your co-workers who happen to sit next to or near the microwave have to endure...

2. My grandfather use to tell me "Get those clean shoes off that dirty table." Why would you put your dirty nasty boots on the table that people eat at??? I mean do you know what bacteria your shoes may be carrying....and here you are just propping them on the table that people eat off. EWWW!!! I won't even dive into the whole butt on my desk argument. We will save that for another day. Lets just stick with shoes: "the Rockport Company, along with researchers at the University Of Arizona reported in April of 2008, found the following in large numbers:
Escherichia coli (
E. Coli) - causing symptoms ranging from severe stomach pain accompanied by diarrhea to kidney failure and potential death in 1 out of 50 victims.
Klebsiella pneumonia – a gram-negative bacteria that can rapidly destroy lung tissue and in 25 to 50% of patients will cause death.
Serratia ficaria – causing gallbladder empyemas and sepsis as well as biliary infections.
Gerba stated that "The common occurrence (96%) of coliform and E. coli bacteria on the outside of the shoes indicates frequent contact with fecal material, which most likely originates from floors in public restrooms or contact with animal fecal material outdoors
ALL this on the bottom of your shoes!!!!! I don't know about you, but it sends shivers down my spine.

3. Eating over mine (or anyone elses) shoulder!!! We are not best friends...wait my best friend wouldn't even do that. I am not your significant WHAT in God's green earth, would give you the idea that it is ok to eat while standing over me, and then have the nerve to talk while you do it. Do I look like I want your nasty ass chewed up food falling on my shoulder while I work???? HECK NO!!!!

4. Smokers.....AHHHH!!! I must admit I used to smoke....but now that I have stopped, I realize what I was putting my friends and co-workers through. If you just went out for a smoke break....there should be NO reason WHY I can smell you 5 cubicles away.....

5. And lastly, the number 1 thing I CANT stand for people to do in the office is.........EASE DROPPING!!!! Nosey people get on my ever lasting nerves!!!! I can't stand when 1) someone answers a question, that was not directed at them, 2) comments on something that was not said to them, 3) and looks at the caller i.d on your desk when you are sitting there then wants to ask....who's that???? AHHHHHHHHH NONE of your damn business.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Strictly My Opinions

I must admit, I am different. I come from a different breed, a different life style, a different mind set. With that being said, that does not give an excuse for people who don't have such privileges to act like the have NO common sense, NO dignity, and NO home training.

I will admit I was brought up to say baTHroom and not baFroom. I was raised to enunciate my words, and not chop them up. I will also be the first to admit that when I around my friends I do talk slang and Ebonics. However, I do know better than to get up in front of a group of people who potentially look up to me and say "He and I is." WHAT! He and I is what???? Please someone explain to me: why does someone have a pre-written speech and that still comes out??? I thought Microsoft word caught grammar mistakes....and if not, it just does not sound right when you say it out loud. If I do recall when I was in, at the latest, 3rd grade we were taught that when you right a paper, read it out loud in the mirror to yourself, and then read it out loud to someone else. It will help you catch your mistakes. Is that just not taught in schools anymore??? Using slang and Ebonics amongst a group of your peers is one thing, but getting up in front of 3 company's and giving a so called speech of encouragement and speaking like you just came off the streets. Rise above where you come from and stop settling for being a product of your environment...

Now switching gears, just because you grew up in a certain area does not mean that you can just act and live like you have NO self respect for yourself or others. It is not the man at the drive-threw windows fault that you are screaming in the intercom and he cannot understand what you are saying. And someone please explain to me WHY females feel the need to prove themselves on the phone. She hangs up on you, then you hang up on her. When you are at work and on the clock regardless of what the person is saying you need to keep your professionalism. Not hoop and holler on the phone like you have NO common sense.

I have no problem having people on welfare, who deserve it. I pay my taxes and sometimes think I pay too much. But if the first thing that is on your mind is going out with that check or buying a new phone....WHY THE HECK AM I WASTING MY HARD EARNED TAX MONEY ON THE LIKES OF YOU!!!! I swear I thought that money was to make sure you had a roof over your head, food in your mouth, and reasonably priced clothes on your back...NOT to make sure you have a good night on the town with my money, and definitely not to purchase a new phone. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I'm Done!

Getting Started

YAY!!! This is my first BLOG!!!! I am too excited. So lets seeee....Hmmm Where to begin where to begin??? I got the idea to start this blog from a GREAT friend...Tiffany (and no I am not talking about me....Her name just happens to be the same as mine.) I was ranting about how board I was, she told me how she took up most of her morning, so I figured why the heck not! I have a million and one things racing through my mind, so this might be a way to document the ever changing events of my life, the drama that surrounds it, and the highs and lows that go with everything. Besides my Best Friend Liz says I have a way with words (I'll tell you about my book ideas later.)

Now I bet you are wondering "What is the deal with all this Miss Sunshine, Just too Happy bs." Well THATS ME!!! I am probably the second most happiest, rarely gets mad, innocent person you will come to know. I say second because there is always someone out there who is happier, never gets mad, and more innocent than I. I can accept that. I am not jealous. I have imperfections that make me, me and make you, you.

Little Miss Sunshine describes me. I am a ray of sunshine that tries to shed a little bit of light to everyones life. Some people hate it, some people love it...I can care less either way.

Just too says it all.